2024 Training Rides

04 Oct 2023

The #RFSKWA Training Rides will be back in 2024, commencing Monday 8 January. These are weekly training rides where we cover 30kms, and are a great opportunity for you to train for the ride while connecting with other riders in the peloton! It's not all pedal to the metal, we do stop for coffee as part of our schedule

Sign up for the training rides and to get alerts and see all the route info. Don't forget to wear your #RFSKWA 2024 Training Jersey

Sign Up For Training Rides

Monday's Weekly Warm Up Ride: meet at the entrance to the Wadjuk Carpark on May Drive that's closest to the Lord Forrest Rotary. Strava route map: https://www.strava.com/routes/3166978881678850228

Wednesday's Spicy Challenge Ride: meet at the Wadjuk Way entrance to the May Drive Rotary in Kings Park. Strava route map: https://www.strava.com/routes/3166978117496714420